Mini centrifuges, micro centrifuges, benchtop centrifuges, floorstanding centrifuges, low or high speed centrifuges, ultra centrifuges, angled or swing out centrifuges, ventilated or refrigerated centrifuges, hematocrit centrifuges, PCR centrifuges, microplate centrifuges, high capacity centrifuges... they're all here.
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Runtime flexibility, fixed angle processing, set right every time, 3250 rpm/1100 xg
$393 USD
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Combine the best features of a microcentrifuge and multipurpose centrifuge in one instrument.
$5,030 USD
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A variety of rotors 1.5-250mL, speeds of a floor-standing model up to 30,000 rpm/65,395 x g
$16,805 USD
$15,125 USD